Showing 17–24 of 54 results
Dr. Reckeweg R 59 Slimming Drops
₨1,060.00 Add to cart Quick ViewDr. Reckeweg R 59 Slimming Drops
Reckeweg R 59 Slimming Drops
Indications: Obesity, tendency to put on weight due to faulty activity of the glandular secretion. May also be used to combat incipient goitre.
Mode of action of main Ingredients
The effectiveness obtained through iodized combinations, brought together in organic ways, such as found in Fucus vesiculosus and Spongia, highly stimulates the function of the thyroid glands and act towards formation of goitre. We add to this medicinal composition constitutional stimulants such as homoeopathic triturations of Graphites and Calcium carbonicum as well as of Natrium sulfuricum, a functional stimulant of the liver, and Croton tiglium , a functional stimulant of the intestines.
As a whole, the action of the present remedy is revealed as having a stimulating effect on the metabolism of tissues and on the combustion, as well as an eliminating effect on the excess of fluidic contents in the tissues and a regularizing effect on the function of the thyroid glands.
Dosage: 2-3 times daily, in acute conditions 4-5 times, 10-15 drops in a little water. It is recommended to use in the beginning (for 5-6 days) frequent and high doses. Subsequently, take 2-3 times daily 8-10 drops.In children, reduce the dose according to the age (5-8-10 drops).
Remarks: Complementary remedies:R10 in the climacteric age, .R2 in cardiac weakness.R27 to stimulate the renal function.R40 in coexistent diabetes.R31 with chlorosis.
₨1,060.00 -
Dr.Reckeweg R 40 Diabetes Drops
₨1,060.00 Add to cart Quick ViewDr.Reckeweg R 40 Diabetes Drops
Dr.Reckeweg R 40 Diabetes Drops:
Diabetes, pernicious anaemia and phases of degeneration centred in the blood and glandular system, such as leucemia, anaemia, Iymphogranulomatosis, but specially diabetes.R40 lessens the secondary symptoms like: depression, agitation, flatulent sensations, lack of appetite, aggravation when the weather changes, thirst, itching etc. The present remedy cannot be expected to bring about a permanent cure.
Mode of action of main Ingredients
Even though it is almost impossible to cure diabetes mellitus this complex nevertheless ameliorates many of the unpleasant concommitant symptoms. In the insulin dependant diabetic a carefully measured reduction of the insulin units is possible after long continued administration of R40.
Acidum phosphoricum: Thirst, sexual impotence, psychic depression.
Arsenicum album: Unquenchable thirst, progressive exhaustion.
Lycopodium: Remedy of the liver, flatulence, swelling sensation.
Natrium sulfuricum: Remedy of the liver, specific action in case of aggravation in damp weather.
Phaseolus nanus: Sugar in urine, irregular cardiac action.
Secale cornutum: Thirst, prickles and paresthesia, longing for cold.
Uranium nitricum: Specific in diabetes of varying genesis
Dosage: As prolonged cure, 3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals.After some improvement reduce the dose to twice daily.
Remarks: In case of complications or other complementary symptoms the following remedies will apply:R1 inflammation, especially with carbuncles and bouls.R7 functional disturbances of the liver.R10 menopause, climacteric ailments and diabetes in old age.R19 or R20 as stimulant of germinal glands.R21 skin diseases (boils).R41 impotence and general lack of vigour in man.R37 constipation, intestinal sluggishness, flatuosity and meteorism.R42 venous stasis; varicose and inflamed veins.R31 lack of appetite; emaciation; pale complexion.Through the appropriate combination surprising results can be attained, even in cases of long standing.
₨1,060.00 -
Garlic Pur Capsule
₨300.00 Add to cart Quick ViewGarlic Pur Capsule
It is effective as a natural mosquito repellent. It assists in managing high cholesterol levels. Prevents common cold and flu. These capsules have the advantage of avoiding garlic breath. Garlic Pur is a powerful natural antibiotic. It also contains anti-fungal properties. Also contains anti-cancerous agent. It helps the body to regulate blood pressure (wheither high or low B.P). It helps to strengthen the body’s defense mechanism against allergies. Helps to lose plaque from the artery walls, helps to regulate blood sugar levels. It is the best choice for killing parasites from the human body. It includes Protein, Potassium, Vitamins A, B, B2 and C, Calcium, Zinc and many others. Garlic can act as blood thinner. This is a natural antibiotic effective against toxic bacteria, viruses and fungus. It helps the platelet stickiness or aggregation to help reduce blood coagulation and to promote heart health.
₨300.00 -
Ginkgo Cerebral Tonic
₨300.00 Add to cart Quick ViewGinkgo Cerebral Tonic
This capsule has remarkable impact on brain and nervous system.
Nervous exhaustion, irritability, light headedness and vertigo.
Depression, tension and sleeplessness.
Potential to cure neurological, psychological and cerebral disorders.
Mental confusion and nervous irritability.
Loss of memory, inability to concentrate and mental weakness.
Anxiety, depression and extreme lassitude.
Occipital headaches, vertigo on getting up from sitting position and due to change of posture.
Cerebral anemia, disturbances in cerebral function, insomnia and restlessness.
Overworked and overstressed individual.
Insomnia in children.₨300.00 -
₨1,499.00 Add to cart Quick ViewGINSOJEL GINSENG WITH ROYAL JELLY
Ginseng royal jelly supplement is being used around the world for centuries due to its efficiency and effectiveness on various systems of the body.
It has affect on nervous system, digestive system and on immune system.
It fulfills the daily nutritional intake required by the body.
Ginsojel improves general health, increases energy and vitality, boosts up the energy level of the body.
It reliefs nervous exhaustion due to over work and regulated the blood blood flow.
Ginsojel in geriatric patients gives energy to body to fight against disease in old age.
It promotes sexual vitality and regulates and balances the hormones.₨1,499.00 -
Kent Acne Cure Medicated Cream
₨120.00 Add to cart Quick ViewKent Acne Cure Medicated Cream
- Skin Cleaning Cream for Girls Women Boys & Men
- Best for Acne, Dry Aczema, Pruritis, Glanular and indusation.
- For superficial burns and Scales.
- Irritation and allergy associated with insect bites
- Angioneurotic oedema, chronic and recurring
- Available in 20 Grams
₨120.00 -
Kent Drop 2 for colic pain
Read more Quick ViewKent Drop 2 for colic pain
- Flatulent colic, meteorism, intestinal colic.
- Pain in the region of abdominal hollow organs.
- Spasmodic pain .
- Spasm in the organs of smooth musculature.
Improves digestion, constipation and relieves flatulence.
Helps reduce fat in the body which in turn reduces the weight.
Indicated for thyroid enlargement in obese people.
For females who have tendency towards obesity, who suffer from delayed menstruation, with swollen genitals and who takes cold easily.
Fat, fair and flabby people who also suffer from hyper perspiration.
Swelling of glands, scrofulous, and rachitic conditions.
Also indicated for obese, pale skin, big head and bellied individuals.
Is indicated for obese children.₨349.00
Showing 17–24 of 54 results